Oregon Medicaid Model

Health Impact

CRC Cases Averted averted and life-years gained among Oregon Medicaid enrollees exposed to five years of intervention, simulated impact over the full life course.

CRC Cases Averted

Usual Care Reminders Navigation Mailed FIT + Navigation
1,435 -32 -77 -113

Under usual care, a total of 1,435 CRC Cases Averted are expected over the full life course of this population. The number of CRC Cases Averted that would be averted compared to usual care is:

  • 32 for Reminders
  • 77 for Navigation
  • 113 for Mailed FIT + Navigation

Life Years Gained

Usual Care Reminders Navigation Mailed FIT + Navigation
3,153,151 +393 +969 +1,315

Under usual care, a total of 3,153,151 life-years are expected over the full life course of this population. The number of life-years that would be gained compared to usual care is:

  • 393 for Reminders
  • 969 for Navigation
  • 1,315 for Mailed FIT + Navigation

CRC Cases Averted

Usual Care Reminders Navigation Mailed FIT + Navigation
Male 811 -16 -41 -726
Female 623 -16 -36 -589

Under usual care, a total of 811 CRC Cases Averted are expected over the full life course of this male population. The number of CRC Cases Averted that would be averted compared to usual care is:

  • 16 for Reminders
  • 41 for Navigation
  • 726 for Mailed FIT + Navigation

Under usual care, a total of 623 CRC Cases Averted are expected over the full life course of this female population. The number of CRC Cases Averted that would be averted compared to usual care is:

  • 16 for Reminders
  • 36 for Navigation
  • 589 for Mailed FIT + Navigation

Life Years Gained

Usual Care Reminders Navigation Mailed FIT + Navigation
Male 1,455,572 +169 +519 +66
Female 1,697,579 +225 +450 +47

Under usual care, a total of 1,455,572 life-years are expected over the full life course of this male population. The number of life-years that would be gained compared to usual care is:

  • 169 for Reminders
  • 519 for Navigation
  • 66 for Mailed FIT + Navigation

Under usual care, a total of 1,697,579 life-years are expected over the full life course of this female population. The number of life-years that would be gained compared to usual care is:

  • 225 for Reminders
  • 450 for Navigation
  • 47 for Mailed FIT + Navigation

CRC Cases Averted

Usual Care Reminders Navigation Mailed FIT + Navigation
White 1,136 -26 -58 -88
Black 45 -1 -3 -3
Other 254 -5 -16 -22

Under usual care, a total of 1,136 CRC Cases Averted are expected over the full life course of this white population. The number of CRC Cases Averted that would be averted compared to usual care is:

  • 26 for Reminders
  • 58 for Navigation
  • 88 for Mailed FIT + Navigation

Under usual care, a total of 45 CRC Cases Averted are expected over the full life course of this black population. The number of CRC Cases Averted that would be averted compared to usual care is:

  • 1 for Reminders
  • 3 for Navigation
  • 3 for Mailed FIT + Navigation

Under usual care, a total of 254 CRC Cases Averted are expected over the full life course of this other population. The number of CRC Cases Averted that would be averted compared to usual care is:

  • 5 for Reminders
  • 16 for Navigation
  • 22 for Mailed FIT + Navigation

Life Years Gained

Usual Care Reminders Navigation Mailed FIT + Navigation
White 2,611,835 +321 +749 +1,056
Black 71,061 +18 +43 +48
Other 470,255 +55 +177 +212

Under usual care, a total of 2,611,835 life-years are expected over the full life course of this white population. The number of life-years that would be gained compared to usual care is:

  • 321 for Reminders
  • 749 for Navigation
  • 1,056 for Mailed FIT + Navigation

Under usual care, a total of 71,061 life-years are expected over the full life course of this black population. The number of life-years that would be gained compared to usual care is:

  • 18 for Reminders
  • 43 for Navigation
  • 48 for Mailed FIT + Navigation

Under usual care, a total of 470,255 life-years are expected over the full life course of this other population. The number of life-years that would be gained compared to usual care is:

  • 55 for Reminders
  • 177 for Navigation
  • 212 for Mailed FIT + Navigation

CRC Cases Averted

Usual Care Reminders Navigation Mailed FIT + Navigation
Hispanic 266 -5 -16 -22
Non-Hispanic 1,169 -27 -61 -91

Under usual care, a total of 266 CRC Cases Averted are expected over the full life course of this hispanic population. The number of CRC Cases Averted that would be averted compared to usual care is:

  • 5 for Reminders
  • 16 for Navigation
  • 22for Mailed FIT + Navigation

Under usual care, a total of 1,169 CRC Cases Averted are expected over the full life course of this non-hispanic population. The number of CRC Cases Averted that would be averted compared to usual care is:

  • 27 for Reminders
  • 61 for Navigation
  • 91for Mailed FIT + Navigation

Life Years Gained

Usual Care Reminders Navigation Mailed FIT + Navigation
Hispanic 559,385 +55 +143 +192
Non-Hispanic 2,593,766 +339 +825 +1,123

Under usual care, a total of 559,385 life-years are expected over the full life course of this hispanic population. The number of life-years that would be gained compared to usual care is:

  • 55 for Reminders
  • 143 for Navigation
  • 192 for Mailed FIT + Navigation

Under usual care, a total of 2,593,766 life-years are expected over the full life course of this non-hispanic population. The number of life-years that would be gained compared to usual care is:

  • 339 for Reminders
  • 825 for Navigation
  • 1,123 for Mailed FIT + Navigation

CRC Cases Averted

Usual Care Reminders Navigation Mailed FIT + Navigation
Urban 882 -21 -48 -69
Rural 553 -11 -29 -44

Under usual care, a total of 882 CRC Cases Averted are expected over the full life course of this urban population. The number of CRC Cases Averted that would be averted compared to usual care is:

  • 21 for Reminders
  • 48 for Navigation
  • 69 for Mailed FIT + Navigation

Under usual care, a total of 553 CRC Cases Averted are expected over the full life course of this rural population. The number of CRC Cases Averted that would be averted compared to usual care is:

  • 11 for Reminders
  • 29 for Navigation
  • 44 for Mailed FIT + Navigation

Life Years Gained

Usual Care Reminders Navigation Mailed FIT + Navigation
Urban 1,259,635 +151 +403 +571
Rural 1,893,516 +243 +565 +744

Under usual care, a total of 1,259,635 life-years are expected over the full life course of this urban population. The number of life-years that would be gained compared to usual care is:

  • 151 for Reminders
  • 403 for Navigation
  • 571 for Mailed FIT + Navigation

Under usual care, a total of 1,893,516 life-years are expected over the full life course of this rural population. The number of life-years that would be gained compared to usual care is:

  • 243 for Reminders
  • 565 for Navigation
  • 744 for Mailed FIT + Navigation

CRC Cases Averted By Stage

Usual Care Reminders Navigation Mailed FIT + Navigation
Stage 1 682 -4 -12 -18
Stage 2 232 -4 -11 -15
Stage 3 278 -13 -25 -37
Stage 4 242 -10 -29 -43

Under usual care, a total of 682 CRC Cases Averted is expected over the full life course of this population. The number of stage 1 CRC Cases Averted that would be averted compared to usual care is:

  • 4 for Reminders
  • 12 for Navigation
  • 18 for Mailed FIT + Navigation

Under usual care, a total of 232 CRC Cases Averted is expected over the full life course of this population. The number of stage 2 CRC Cases Averted that would be averted compared to usual care is:

  • 4 for Reminders
  • 11 for Navigation
  • 15 for Mailed FIT + Navigation

Under usual care, a total of 278 CRC Cases Averted is expected over the full life course of this population. The number of stage 3 CRC Cases Averted that would be averted compared to usual care is:

  • 13 for Reminders
  • 25 for Navigation
  • 37 for Mailed FIT + Navigation

Under usual care, a total of 242 CRC Cases Averted is expected over the full life course of this population. The number of stage 4 CRC Cases Averted that would be averted compared to usual care is:

  • 10 for Reminders
  • 29 for Navigation
  • 43 for Mailed FIT + Navigation