Oregon Medicaid Model

Change Assumptions

In this section, you have the option to change the estimated effectiveness and cost assumptions for any of the interventions. The default assumptions are included below. If you would like, you can adjust these effectiveness and cost estimates up or down.

For each intervention, you will have the opportunity to increase or decrease the intervention's effectiveness by adjusting the relative risk. For each intervention, the default option of 0 indicates no change from our current model assumptions. If you would like to scale the effectiveness up or down, use the drop-down menu.

For each intervention, you will have the opportunity to increase or decrease the implementation-specific costs. Please note that the costs of CRC screening, diagnosis, and treatment cannot be adjusted in this tool. The implementation costs can be scaled up or down by the multipliers listed in the table below. For example, the implementation cost for patient reminders in the model is currently $1.43 per patient. If you choose to increase the cost by a multiple of 1.25, the implementation cost would be increased to $1.79 per patient ($1.43*1.25=$1.79). If you choose to decrease this implementation cost using the same multiplier, the adjusted cost would be $1.14 per patient ($1.43/1.25=$1.14).